10 things they love about Philadelphia:

6. Baltimore Avenue from 42nd to 48th. Clark Park warms my heart in all weather. Dahlak is, hands down, my favorite restaurant in town. And actually, you should head South right off Baltimore when you hit 48th, because right there you’ll see some truly gorgeous architecture.

8. The Gathering at the Rotunda. The “longest running hip hop event” in Philly will never ever disappoint you. Unless, like me, you haven’t been to it in way too damn long. (Because all the friends who used to go with you moved out of town and you don’t want to go by yourself – should this sound familiar, for the love of God, let me know. I don’t care if I don’t know you. I want to go back and not alone. I’m shy.)

9. The way most of the city does harbor some extra disdain for douchebag entitled Penn kids. I wanted to beat them for four years. I am more than thrilled to realize everyone else who’s had to deal with them feels the same.

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