For those of you who are interested in the Center for Literacy and adult literacy programs.
Marianne Das
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 12:22 PM
Subject: [nolphiladelphia] Bush Budget: 75% Cut in Federal Support for Adult Literacy Proposed (where's his mother now that we need her?)

JoAnn Weinberger
President/Executive Director
Center for Literacy
Sent: Tue 2/15/2005 2:38 PM






As you may know by now, the President's proposed fiscal 2006 budget calls for a reduction of state grant funds for adult basic education and literacy from $501 million (Fiscal 2005 level) to $131 million. It calls for no reduction in the $68.5 million funding pool for English Literacy/Civics that is a subset of the state grant funds. If Congress meets its deadline for finalizing the 2006 budget of September 30, the budget will go into effect on July 1, 2006.  The President's proposal also eliminates funding for Even Start, but level funds the National Institute for Literacy and National Leadership Activities.

For Pennsylvania, the funding cut would be 75.1%, from $19,212,919 to $4,785,399.  This requires a massive, sustained response, one that articulates the growing outrage over the decision to attempt the destruction of the adult education system in this country.  This campaign will start with 19 PAACE members who will become point persons for each of the 19 U.S. representatives.  Would you like to become a point person?  Please e-mail JoAnn Weinberger at [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Your assistance is needed for this initiative.  These “point persons”  will work with the local programs to encourage that everyone participates.

To fight this recommendation and inform the Pennsylvania delegation that this should not be enacted, PAACE has formulated a multi-pronged approach.  As you do these things, please e-mail JoAnn and tell her what you did and with whom you communicated.

1.           Letters to Senator Santorum, Senator Specter, and Representatives .  Every program is asked to send 35 letters to each of these three individuals.  See a draft letter below.

2.           Postcards.  PAACE will be pre-printing postcards so thousands can be sent or hand-delivered to the local legislator’s office.

3.           Visits.  Congresspersons will be in their home office February 22-25, and March 21-April 1.  Call now to schedule a visit.  Take a businessperson and a learner.

4.           Invitations to be guest speakers.  Do you have a recognition event or graduation this spring?  Invite your legislator.

5.           Telephone calls.

6.           Student Writings.  You may want to use the following prompt:  “What would it mean if your class (or tutoring program) was cancelled?” Gather these writings together and send them to both senators and your representative.

7.           Letters to the Editora draft will be forthcoming

Do you need information on who your representative is?  Go to:, type in your Zip+4 digit zip code (e.g., 01234-5555) and click Go.  If you do not know your Zip+4 digit zip code, go to and click on Find A Zip Code.

Addresses for Pennsylvania’s U.S. Senators:

            Senator Rick Santorum

511 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg.

Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-6324 (phone)

(202) 228-0604 (fax)

Go to the website: and there is a link for e-mails


Senator Arlen Specter

            711 Hart Senate Office Bldg.

Washington DC 20510

            (202) 224-4254 (phone)

            (202) 228-1229

            [EMAIL PROTECTED]



When you call, you will likely talk to either an aide or someone answering the telephone who is keeping a tally of the calls they receive on this issue.  You may only have time to identify yourself and state your position against the cuts so be sure to do that first.

Give your name and address.

Say you are a constituent and a registered voter.

Say you are calling because you are against the President's proposed cuts for adult education and Even Start in the FY2006 budget, and you want the adult education funding to be maintained.

If you have time, say why adult education is important to you.

Student stories are very persuasive.  They can talk about how adult education has made a difference in their lives, e.g., helped them get a job or a better job, become a taxpayer, obtain a high school credential, or obtain health insurance for themselves and their family.

Teachers can talk about individual student stories or their own commitment and passion for adult education and why it's important to the community, the state and the country.

Administrators can talk about how many individuals are served annually by their program, the goals that students achieve, how the federal funds leverage state and local support, and the importance of adult education.

Volunteers can talk about why adult education is important to them, and why they donate their valuable time to teach someone else in their community.

Board members or businesspersons can talk about why the program is important.



Follow the suggested telephone script outlined above.

Whenever possible, mail and fax your letter.  The fax will get there immediately, and mailing your letter will increase the volume of letters that your Representative receives.


Subject:  Maintain funding for Adult Education and Even Start


I am writing to oppose the proposed cut to adult education and Even Start and want the funding to be restored to its current level.

As a __________(administrator, teacher, board member, volunteer, businessperson, learner), I know first hand of the importance of these programs.

[insert a couple sentences from personal experience].

Please do not destroy the adult education system.  These programs are needed in my community.

Sincerely yours,






Do you have questions about this process?  Please let me know.

JoAnn Weinberger

PAACE Legislative Chair


President/Executive Director

Center for Literacy








Ed Schwartz, Institute for the Study of Civic Values, 1218 Chestnut St.,
Rm. 702, Philadelphia, Pa. 19107 215-238-1434 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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