-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Ed Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Nov 24, 2004 3:17 PM
Subject: [phillyblocks] A Letter from Pasquale Dean, Chairman of the SEPTA Board

A Message
>From Pasquale T. Deon, Sr
SEPTA Board Chair
November 23, 2004 As the Chair of the SEPTA Board, I would like to express my 
appreciation for your extraordinary efforts over the last several months
in support of SEPTA and public transportation in Pennsylvania.  It
was our sincere hope that this session of the General Assembly would
yield long term dedicated funding for all of Pennsylvania’s transit
agencies.  Unfortunately, the legislature recessed on November
21 before considering the mass transit funding issue. 
There is still one final hope – although legislators are not scheduled to
reconvene, the sine die session of the Pennsylvania General Assembly does
not end until November 30<sup>th.</sup>  You can still call on your
legislators to return to Harrisburg to resolve this dire funding issue
before that November 30
A special meeting of the SEPTA Board is scheduled for December 2, 2004 to
formally adopt a final contingency plan consisting of massive service
reductions, fare increases and Authority wide layoffs to resolve SEPTA’s
$62 million operating budget shortfall for fiscal year 2005.  These
actions would take effect from January 1, 2005 through January 23,
Your support and influence have been instrumental in bringing dedicated
funding for Pennsylvania transit to the forefront. If we are unsuccessful
in our call for the General Assembly to reconvene this session, we shall
all have to begin again next year.  
Pasquale T. Deon, Sr

Ed Schwartz, Institute for the Study of Civic Values, 1218 Chestnut
Rm. 702, Philadelphia, Pa. 19107 215-238-1434
ISCV web site: Check out  "Neighborhoods Online" at


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