As a follow-up to the preliminary announcement I sent the UC list a few  
weeks back, attached is a poster about the Mayoral Forum for West Philadelphia  
This will be held at IFSI, 4225 Chestnut St, on Oct 22 at 7:30 pm. Please  
    1.  Seating is limited so to ensure admission, call 215-386-1298 to 
reserve a  place for yourself. 
    2.  IFSI is encouraging and will emphasize questions submitted in 
advance.  Info about how and where to submit questions is on the attached  
This forum is being co-sponsored by a number of local organizations, not  
including the usual suspects.
This is an opportunity not only to ask questions of the two mayoral  
candidates, but to give them insight into what the real people of the  
think about issues that affect us all.

Always at  your service & ready for a dialog,
Al  Krigman

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