>From the Neighborhood Bike Works Blog:

NBW Headquarters will remain at St. Mary’s - ZBA Board grants zoning

Neighborhood Bike Works is pleased to report that the Zoning Board of
Adjustment granted us a zoning variance at our hearing this morning,
Tuesday, September 7, 2010, which will allow us to remain at our
headquarters location of St. Mary’s Church, 3916 Locust Walk on the
University of Penn campus.

Thank you to all our supporters who signed petitions and wrote letters of
support to encourage the ZBA to grant us a variance, including the Bicycle
Coalition of Philadelphia, University City District, the UPenn Civic House,
Representative Rosita C. Youngblood of the 198th Legislative District of
Pennsylvania, Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell of the 3rd District of
Philadelphia, and many program parents, participants, and community members.
We really appreciate your support!

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