How does that kind of kill ratio add up to a loss ???
Do we have to annihilate the entire population to win ?

If an invading army came to the US and those numbers
were reversed, would anyone be calling that a win ?

We didn't just annihilate a population,
we completely devestated their land as well.
There are landmines still exploding over there.

Americans have a very curious way of looking at things.
We look at everything from our own selfish perspective
and we expect other cultures to accept our
perspective as well.

The current price of gasoline is a perfect example of that.


----Original Message Follows---- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [UC] Proud to Be an American...Rumsfeld Should Resign KZ Ratio Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2004 17:47:28 EDT

In a message dated 5/11/2004 6:08:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
We killed 2 million Vietnamese and lost 50,000 Americans in that war
While cleaning up old mail I came across this.

This is a 40 to 1 kill ration and we lost. Any idea what the ratios were in
WWII Atlantic & Pacific Theaters?

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