In a message dated 7/11/2007 6:23:51 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

I want  your honest opinions where money should come from, how much, who's 
wiling to  help (non-financially) with the physical part, and what should be 
included if  we decided to completely get a do-over for the BID/NID. 

You didn't  answer my 4 questions, Al. You just asked the same as I. And 
maybe created a  few other detailed questions.

I don't intend to answer since I'd be just as happy with no NID -- mostly  
because I perceive the proponents as zealots with agendas that conflict with my 
beliefs in privacy and the true essence of urban living, which involves 
highly  individual choices and responsibilities, as well as interest-based 
offerings  from which people can pick-and-choose at various times.
But, if a plan was formulated with what I consider acceptable objectives,  
responsible stewardship of funds, absence of mechanisms to exert control over  
people who prefer to be left alone, and so forth, I wouldn't oppose it and 
might  even lend a degree of support to it.
As I did with the idea of "Neighborhood Conservation Districts" as an  
alternative to historic designation. I wouldn't have proposed NCDs, but would  
supported them under the conditions set forth in the City Code in areas  where 
people wanted them.
Don't be like, as Horace Rumpole might have put it, "She who must be  
dismayed" and insist that people answer your questions  about what they want. 
If you 
have ideas about what you want, state them. If  others agree, disagree, have 
suggestions about how to improve them through  modification, they can (and on 
this list certainly will) do so.
Al Krigman

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