Just out of curiosity, is there anybody else out there who gets the "Jean Carrie" joke?  Is this some kind of cultural reference I'm missing?
One South Penn Square, Philadelphia, PA 19107-3502 | T 215 636-9999 | F 215 636-9989 | hillier.com

Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 8:19 PM
Subject: Re: [UC] Republicans for Kerry Blacks for Bush, You & Me

In a message dated 10/26/2004 7:56:50 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
His name is John Kerry and since there has been no plan from George W. Bush and since blacks are usually invisible, under ANY plan, perhaps HIS plan would be to make us less invisible instead acting as if we do not exist; OR if we do exist NOT pretending we are no different from mainstream America.
I keep asking my black American friends what has our Democratic Party done for you? It looks to me for most of my friends, all the D leadership has done is put shoes on their feet and move them from the fields into the big house to work as maids, janitors, and maintenance men.
Damn the Great Society has been productive for blacks, and worth every cent of tax payor money spent on it.
And just what is the body of work marking Jean Carrie's relationship with the American Black Community? He is the one who keeps screaming to, "judge me by my history of honorable and thoughtful sensitive service to the country. 
Oh, and have I spoken to you about equal access to the building trades unions here in Philadelphia, during this city's biggest richest construction boom?
I just hate it when good people get screwed. I'm going to workout to hurt some steel.
Later Hone. I mean that with affection and respect. I'll even apologize to Siano later.

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