In response to the comments quoted below, I hasten to point out that the Glorious UC Culture List is freely available to all, high and low, the tasteful and the tasteless, but particular to those with an incredibly refined sensibility and je-ne-sais-quo that just bowls you over and keeps on coming.
To subscribe, just go to and follow the directions. Culture is one of the Six Purple Lists. It was founded in August 2003 and is designated for "Cultural things in University City." The membership currently runs about 70 and it is the second most active Purple list after the main UC list.
Personally I encourage you to browse the archives, then sign up and EXPERIENCE THE MAGIC. Contrary to what some vile and ignorant peasants believe, it is NOT exclusively for the purveyance of Ross' poems, although these certainly add a certain distinction and distinctive FLAVOR to the list. Other persons have at numerous times posted their own poems, announcements of cultural events in the hood and elsewhere, and reviews and impressions of these events.
As to ball-size, suffice it to say that several lovely members of the fairer sex of my acquaintance are avid readers and contributors to CULTURE and have no balls to speak of, at least in the purely anatomical sense. I think.
In sum, CULTURE is the refuge for the sensitive, the aesthete, the sur-raffine connoisseur of la vie culturelle de la Village. When one tires of the mundane hustle-and-bustle of the more how shall I say it? crude, pedestrian and yes, vulgar, ways of the UC list soi-meme, one retires to the CULTURE list for a croissant and a breath of fresh air.

Ross Bender


"I don't know about a local 'culture' listserv, so can't use it.  But I have to tell you that I look upon this listserv as a way to connect with the local University City/West Philly community -- my community -- and hence I feel these kind of posts are appropriate."

"Lastly, it seems to me that culture is for Ross's poems and the
occassional art/music event."
"Or put it on culture. I think there really is an argument to be made
that the my balls are bigger than yours could really work on the
culture list. We really should run this by Ross, however, to get the
Menno perspective on ball-size."

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