Did anyone head over to the Swim Club for the facility tour on Sunday?
Comments, concerns, observations?

Jonathan A. Cass
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of emko
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 12:09 AM
To: univcity@list.purple.com
Subject: Re: [UC] Relocating to Philadelphia

I'm usually just a lurker, watching this list for information, but
right now I feel moved to write and say I can't believe how nasty you
people are.

Why send somebody's personal ad around to the list as a joke? And then
why criticize somebody who shows a little compassion?

If anybody needs to get a life, it's you people who write messages for
the sole purpose of meanness.

On Jan 10, 2005, at 10:33 PM, Elizabeth Edgerton wrote:

> get a life
> Owen Edgerton
>> From: "Marielena Mata" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Reply-To: "Marielena Mata" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], UnivCity@list.purple.com
>> Subject: Re: [UC] Relocating to Philadelphia
>> Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 13:26:47 -0500
>> I find this message rather disturbing.  While I may  or may not agree
>> as to this student's choices in the methodology of finding friends
>> and partners, I find it unacceptable that you have chosen to make fun
>> of someone so publicly without even knowing this person.  I happen to
>> recall the time you made your first comments because I had contacted
>> that person to give her some local advice at her request and found
>> your first comment offensive but this is too much.
>> It takes a lot of guts for a single mom to pack up and move to a new
>> city to pursue a degree.  The least you can show is a little respect,
>> not only to her but to the rest of the listserve.
>> Off my soapbox,
>> Maty
>>> From: FX Winkler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Reply-To: FX Winkler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: UnivCity@list.purple.com
>>> Subject: Re: [UC] Relocating to Philadelphia Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005
>>> 10:01:09 -0800 (PST)
>>> Last year, I commented about the obviously disturbed Penn Student
>>> who seemed bent on advertising here
>>> divorced-single-mother-grad-student life on evry bulleting board in
>>> Philly as possible.
>>> Someone forwarded this link to me, and I thought it made an amusing
>>> follow-up.
>>> http://personals.yahoo.com/us/personals-1104077068-025284
>>> Grad student seeking intelligent person
>>> I'm a graduate student at University of Pennsylvania with a
>>> 16-month-old daughter. I'm seeking an intelligent person to have
>>> discussions with and spend time with. I don't think education
>>> equates intelligence necessarily, but I would like to meet somebody
>>> well-read, who I can have educated discussions with.
>>> I'm very politically active and define myself as Marxist and would
>>> like to meet somebody with a similar ideology, although I can
>>> respect differences and am most interested in somebody who can
>>> respect my beliefs and is very open-minded. I'm a lifelong Unitarian
>>> Universalist, although I have dated people from different faiths and
>>> can respect anyone's beliefs.
>>> I enjoy spending time at home with my daughter and a good book, but
>>> I also enjoy spending time with my friends and having fun. I love
>>> attending lectures and intellectual pursuits, as well as fun
>>> outings, although I don't drink or smoke or enjoy the party scene.
>>> My only serious relationship was with the father of my daughter for
>>> five years, which ended last year, so I would like to take things
>>> slowly. I am very focused on my education and my daughter, but I
>>> would like somebody to spend some time with.
>>> I recently relocated to Philadelphia from Chicago for grad school
>>> and left all my friends and family. Also, you would need to like
>>> children, because I have a beautiful, sweet, toddler daughter who is
>>> my world. I would never even consider dating somebody who didn't
>>> like and accept her.
>>> ---------------------------------
>>> Do you Yahoo!?
>>>  Yahoo! Mail - Easier than ever with enhanced search. Learn more.
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