In a message dated 6/23/2007 12:22:35 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Ray, will you or someone  else PLEASE explain to me EXACTLY what Lewis 
Wendell - his name is not Wendell  Lewis - did, which would make it appropriate 
him to resign? Not what  happened, but what part of it he, Lewis Wendell, 
caused to  happen?
This question is so bereft of understanding of organizational dynamics,  
organizational structure, and corporate responsibility that your question must  
a red herring. The event involving John Fenton is another indicator of Omar  
Blaik's and U Penn corporate council's failure to establish and effectively  
promulgate consistent and lawful operational guidelines.
Additionally, what makes anyone think this type of incident has not  happened 
before? Only, this time the candidate was not the powers that be's  darling?

And what having a new  director would change, for those who don't like the 
UCD?  There have been  three directors; those who don't like the UCD have 
disliked all  three.
You can say categorically everyone disliked Paul Steinke? I don't think  so.

So please help me to  see how a new director would be an improvement.

The UCD needs new direction.
This is also an opportunity to note that many of the recent posts lamented  
the possible loss of services to area residents, not the possible professional  
and financial plight of the Fenton Family. Nice to see what kind of caring  
sharing community the UCD spawned along with just some of their independent  
marketing agents.

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