Jannie Blackwell throws a Christmas Party every year for families in homeless shelters. Food, presents for the kids from Santa, a band, face-painting ... the whole nine yards.
This year it's December 20 at the First District Plaza, 3801 Market Street.
Volunteers are needed to help with the food service (bringing and clearing tables for the next wave), minimizing chaos in the gift line, general greeters.
You can volunteer by just showing up sometime between about 5:00 and 8:00 pm. There's also a volunteer's planning session in City hall this Friday (the 10th). Call Mrs Blackwell's office for the precise location (215-686-3418), or go by Councilwoman Blackwell's office -- room 408 -- and they'll tell you where it is. You can also call for more details.
Always at your service and ready for a dialog,

Al Krigman

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