Dear News Editors,

On August 1, there was some type of car jacking with the reports of a gun at 
44th and Larchwood in University City.  This was reported on a public listserv 
and described very poor incompetent police work.

I doubted the veracity of the account and twice attempted to verify the 
incident at the 18th district precinct on August 3rd.  First I was told that 
the only incident reported that night was an abandoned vehicle report.  I later 
returned to confirm that report with the community affairs officer.  He also 
confirmed that no car jacking occurred and told me I could report the claim as 
false on the public University City listserv.

After receiving a private e-mail August 4 stating the event did indeed happen, 
I checked a third time this morning and found out that some sort of car jacking 

It seems there is an unreported car jacking in this neighborhood.  The two 
perpetrators are apparently at large. And there is apparantly a serious problem 
with 18th district police work and accurate police information.

The Philadelphia police web site describes a Computer Aided Dispatch system 
giving the false impression that this type of gross incompetence would not 
occur.  I am now the bearer of serious misinformation after reporting publicly 
that the initial report was false.

Please do a news story on this matter and please contact me for any help.  The 
entire community needs to know.  I am forwarding this to the   Thank you.

Glenn Moyer

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