Sorry, been a way for a while.
That means the audio hardware is not responding or not there at all.
Is your device going to sleep?
piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM.
Please 'donate'
ralphy wrote:
> You need to add -u E to the squeezelite command line to have it resample
> streams that are not 48K.
I always thought that LMS will take into account player capabilities
when resampling. (e.g. player only supporting 44.1kHz and 48kHz - LMS
will re-sample if a 96kHz stream is pla
You need to add -u E to the squeezelite command line to have it resample
streams that are not 48K.
You should also add -Z 384000 to the squeezelite options to avoid LMS
resampling streams that have a higher sample rate than 48K, since with
the -u E option squeezelite will resample it again.