After looking at the logs in bèta mode the screen shows only the upper
part and won't scroll down.
Also when exiting bèta functions and mode the scrolling in other screens
won't go all the way down.
I know bèta mode can give isssues, but this issue in the latest versions
should be looked at as i
Something too stupid for words. :mad:
I tried to execute a non executable file. :o
Yes and that crashes Sqeezelite. :o
audionics's Profile:
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@Paul-: @CJS: I have not much Linux knowledge.
Implementing this script inhibits Squeezelite to start.
No matter what I do or try with these
sudo vcgencmd display_power 1 >/dev/null 2>&1 ;;
in the script Squeezelite fails to start.
What am I doing wrong?
This was the answer:
audionics's Profile:
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I found that ts_calibrate works
ts_test follow my finger perfecly
Jivelite horizontal tracking is fine. After moving the finger from left
to right of vice versa alle the way.
Vertical tracking is not linear
If I start at the top or bottom frm the screen first the arrow follows
my finger.
paul- wrote:
> This is a different screen, but the procedure should be similar.
I tried that procedure with no luck.
Even when I change the numbers manually in that fila and location there
is no difference in how the touch reacts.
It w
Calibration of the touch with ts_calibrate will not work.
If I search for pointercal and ts.conf I find 3 different ones of three
fifferent locations.
if I use ts_calibrate only the one in usr/local/etc/ is modified.
The other locations files cannot be modified by hand as the are
Read-only fil
Calibration of the touch with ts_calibrate will not work.
If I search for pointercal and ts.conf I find 3 different ones.
if I use ts_calibrate only the one in usr/local/etc/ is modified.
However it has no effect as I expect that piCoreplayer uses one of the
other files for calibration.
Or the