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On 11/21/07, kumincir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Di handap ieu versi elektronik makalah almarhum Prof. Edi 'Jatinunggal'
> anu dimuta dina Journal of Asian and African Studies taun 2003, beunang
> ngadudut ti Internet. Ieu file oge bisa dibedol ti 
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/urangsunda/files/Naskah/
> Paguyuban Pasundan: A Sundanese Revival (1913–1918)
> Edi S. Ekadjati
> University of Padjadjaran
> This article analyzes the reviving awareness of the Sundanese, one of the
> ethnic groups in Indonesia, towards their identity.
> After experiencing a long period of decline since the fall of the Sunda
> Kingdom (1579), in the middle of the 19th century they revived to form and
> show their identity and improve their welfare. The revival resulted from
> renewed awareness of language and literature (since 1850), and then (since
> 1913) encompassed social and cultural fields, and finally (since 1918) the
> field of state politics. This article describes the second-stage revival
> which was marked by the formation of a modern organization (at that time)
> which was called Paguyuban Pasundan.
> Due to the awareness and pioneering spirit of several students of the
> STOVIA (medical school for indigenous people), who were ethnically
> Sundanese, Paguyuban Pasundan attempted to activate and unite all Sundanese,
> especially the youth, in order not to be left behind in the social milieu
> and active social life among all ethnic groups in Indonesia. By using
> methods which were completely new at that time, such as organized
> activities, education, magazine publication, science and knowledge, they
> attempted to achieve progress so as to keep up to date and relevant. The
> result of these efforts brought some ray of hope.
> 1. Introduction
> 2. Jati Kasilih ku Junti
> 3. A Spark of Hope: Revival
> 3.1. Language and Literature
> 3.2. The Socio-cultural Organization
> 3.2.1. Establishment
> 3.2.2. Objectives and Motivation
> 3.2.3. Views and Activities
> Views
> Activities
> 4. Conclusion
> Bibliography
> Appendixs
> --
> sikandar
> su.wikipedia.org
> www.urang-sunda.or.id

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