Bagea..kang wawan!
Manga....kang teras bae kalebet!, aya kureueus kuring mah.....unggal dinten teh 
nambihan geuning dulur teh, boh ti lemah cai nyalira, kitu oge pok na ti dulur2 nu 
keur ngumbara di nagara deungeun.
Mugia lebetna kang wawan teh tiasa.....nambihan kabaranangan kasundaan urang nya 
....pihatur na!
-pun adi-  
jempol hideung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dihapunteun atuh nya kasadayana
nami : Irwan (Wawan) Kusnandar
karyawan swasta PT MediSafe Tech. (INDORAMA Group)
lulusan STMIK Budi Luhur Jakarta th 1995.
Tos gaduh buntu 2.
Jempol hideung teh popoyok ti budak, tapi saleresna mah henteu hideung pisan ..:)

oman abdurrahman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mangga kalebet Kang, saha atuh nya nami leres salira teh? piraku jempol hideung mah? 
Mangga dihaturanan gabung kalayan lugina, pamugi ieu milist janten euyeub ku tambih 
seueurna wargana ti sakuliah nagri oge sakuliah dunya.


jempol hideung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
aduuh akang mani waas nya nguping nami Sukabumi teh....
abdi nembean gabung sareng milis ieu, ayeuna aya di Medan - SUMUT
tos 2 taun langkung didieu. kahatur kasadayananya......


Rudy Setiawan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Pihaturan ka para wargi...

Mugia aya dina ka saean!.

cag, ah!

-pun adi-


(hiji ti lima)

Pangrango Hotel, Sukabumi is urgently looking for the position :

Personnel Manager

~ at least 3 Years working experience in similar position

~ Computer literature

~ Strong leadership

~ Familiar with UU no 13 tahun 2003

Please spread out the news and for those who are interested, may send the application 
letter + CV + Recent photograph by latest June 26, 2004 to :

Linda Yopita

Personnel manager
Pangrango Hotel
Jln. Salabintana No. 7 Sukabumi

Tlp. ( 0266 ) 211532

Fax. ( 0266 ) 211520


(dua ti lima)

Hotel Sari Pan Pacific, Jakarta is Urgently looking for the following positions :


with the following General Requirements : 

   Good English, oral and written 
   HOTEL background
   Min. 2 years working experience in the same position, min. in 3 stars hotel 
   Highly motivated, energetic and good personality 
   Right personality towards the role and responsibility
   Has good communication skill
   Service oriented

Please spread out the news and for those who are interested, may submit the 
Application Letter+CV+recent Photo to : 

        Director of People Innovation & Education
        Jl. M.H. Thamrin 6
        Jakarta  10340
        Fax No. 021 3154750
        E-mail :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

" All applications will be treated confidentially & only short listed candidates will 
be notified "


(tilu ti lima)

Aston International Hotels & Resorts is Urgently looking for the following position:
   Min. Diploma degree
   Min. 3 years working experience in a same position
   Excellent command in English
   Excellent in Computer applications
   Good interpersonal skill
   Well organized, patient, proactive and able to work under pressure

Please spread out the news and for those who are interested, may submit the 
Application Letter+CV+ recent photo to :

        Wisma Staco, 3rd Floor
        Jl. Casablanca Kav. 18
        Jakarta  12870

" Only short listed candidates will be contacted "


(opat ti lima)

Asiatravel (www.asiatravel.com) is Urgently looking for the following position :

Finance & Accounting Staff
Requirement          :

   University Background in Accounting
   Computer literate
   Able to speak English oral and written
   Meticulous and honest
   Willing to work hard and loyal
   Candidate with minimum 1 year working experience in similar position is preferred

Please spread out the news and for those who are interested, may send the 
Application Letter+CV+recent photo by the latest 25 June 2004 to :

PT. Asia Travelindo Nusantara (www.asiatravel.com) 

Jakarta Office:

Jl. Raya Pejuangan No. 21 Blok. P & Q, Ruko Sastra Graha, 

Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta 11530, Indonesia

Telp: (62-21) 535 7573, 532 8682, 533 1480 Fax : (62-21) 536 4671 / 535 7853

or to email address [EMAIL PROTECTED]


(lima ti lima)


Kedutaan Besar RI di Bern membuka kesempatan untuk bergabung sebagai tenaga Staf Lokal 
pada Bidang Penerangan dan Sosial Budaya, dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut

   Pria/Wanita berusia 25 - 37 tahun
   Pendidikan minimal program Diploma (D-3)
   Memiliki pengetahuan yang luas mengenai Indonesia (sosial/budaya)
   Mempunyai motivasi tinggi dan pekerja keras, serta sanggup untuk bekerja secara tim 
maupun individual dengan rasa tanggung jawab penuh
   Sanggup untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan kunjungan ke berbagai daerah di Swiss dengan 
intensitas tinggi, serta diharuskan memiliki surat ijin mengemudi
   Diutamakan yang telah memiliki pengalaman kerja sebelumnya
   Menguasai bahasa Inggeris dan Jerman dengan baik secara lisan dan tulisan
   Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (MS Office)

Bila anda memenuhi standar kualifikasi di atas, kirimkan lamaran kerja yang dilengkapi 
dengan C.V, Fotocopy kartu identitas, Ijazah/transkrip nilai dan 1 buah pasfoto 
terakhir paling lambat akhir Juli 2004 ke alamat sebagai berikut :

Indonesian Embassy

Elfenauweg 51

CH-3006 Bern


Bern, Mei 2004

*    langkung saena mangga tinggali di http://www.indonesia-bern.org/    *



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