
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.!


Haturan ka parawargi!

Mugia sakumna US aya dina kasaen tur kamajengan!


Hapunten teu kangtos di basa sunda keun. Pamugi aya kana mangpaat na, khususna 
mah keur US, sumangga nyanggakeun!


-pun adi-


Ringkesanna :

1. scholarship programme, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation of Seattle - USA

2. Two Three-year PhD research studentships, University of Wales Swansea-UK

3. PhD positions at the Life Sciences Interface for Physical Science Graduates, 
White Rose University Consortium- at Leeds and Sheffield (UK)

4. EMS ARTICLE COMPETITION, The European Mathematical Society-Finland

5. Albert-Einstein-Institut-German

6. PhD position, the Department of Behavioural Biology

7. Postdoctoral position in biogeochemical ocean modeling, The Faculty of 
Mathematics and Natural Sciences-Norway




(Hiji Ti Tujuh)

About the Scholarships

In October 2000, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation of Seattle, Washington, 
USA announced a donation to the University of Cambridge of $210 million to 
establish the Gates Cambridge Trust.

This benefaction creates in perpetuity an international scholarship programme 
to enable outstanding graduate students from outside the United Kingdom to 
study at the University of Cambridge. The Trustees are required to award 
scholarships on the basis of a person's intellectual ability, leadership 
capacity and desire to use their knowledge to contribute to society throughout 
the world by providing service to their communities and applying their talents 
and knowledge to improve the lives of others.

About the scholarships 

The Trust expects there to be of the order of 230 Gates Cambridge Scholars 
studying at the University at any one time. Although there may be variation in 
the actual number of awards made each year, the Trust seeks to elect 
approximately 100 new scholars annually.

In selecting Gates Cambridge Scholars, the Trust looks for students of 
exceptional academic achievement and scholarly promise for whom advanced study 
at Cambridge would be particularly appropriate. The Trust expects a good match 
to be made between the applicant's qualifications and aspirations and what 
Cambridge has to offer. 
Successful applicants will have the ability to make a significant contribution 
to their discipline while in Cambridge, with a strong aptitude for research, 
analysis and a creative approach to defining and solving problems.

Over time, Gates Cambridge Scholars will form an integral and dynamic part of 
the University's influential international alumni network, bringing vision and 
new ideas to improving the lives of citizens throughout the world. Cambridge 
alumni take the lead in applying knowledge and skill to major problems in every 
walk of life: Gates Cambridge Scholars are thus expected to use their education 
for the benefit of others and to improve the common weal.

Gates Cambridge Scholarships are awarded only to students who gain admission to 
the University through the University's regular procedures. They cover the full 
cost of study at Cambridge for a single person - namely, all approved 
University and College tuition 
fees, a maintenance allowance [which for 2004-05 is £8,400], a further 
discretionary allowance for study-related activities [which for 2004-05 is 
£1,600], and one return economy airfare between the UK and the Scholar's normal 
country of residence.


More information feel free to visit us at :




(Dua Ti Tujuh)

TWO Three-year PhD research studentships

Civil and Computational Engineering Centre School of Engineering

Applications are invited for two 3-year PhD studentships to develop 
computational methods for modelling fluid flow in subsurface reservoirs with 
complex geometry. The projects offer the opportunity to work on new finite 
volume and finite element methods for approximation of the flow equations. One 
project will have emphasis in the area of grid generation. Focus is on flow in 
porous media with application to reservoir simulation.

The studentships will be based at the University of Wales Swansea, in a lively 
and vibrant research environment, with strength in computational methods and 
modelling. The group was awarded 5* at the last RAE. 


Start date: As soon as possible. 


Candidates should hold (or expect to hold) a good Honours degree (at least 2.1) 
in a relevant discipline (including Mathematics, Computational/Numerical 
Methods Science, Physics, Engineering). They should have an interest in 
learning numerical modelling techniques. Mathematical skills, including 
experience in scientific computer 
programming would be an advantage.

Applicants should apply by sending a full CV outlining their research interests 
and names and addresses of at least two academic referees to Dr M G Edwards, 
Civil and Computational Engineering Centre, School of Engineering, University 
of Wales Swansea, SA2 8PP or by email to the address below.

Informal enquires to by email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Use your own name for the WORD document name.doc

Candidates will only be contacted if short listed

Closing date: 10 December 2004 




(Tilu Ti Tujuh)



PhD positions at Leeds and Sheffield

White Rose University Consortium

PhDs at the Life Sciences Interface for Physical Science Graduates

Applications are invited for 10 PhD positions, available from October 2005, at 
this new EPSRC-funded Life Science Interface Doctoral Training Centre. Research 
projects will in every case be co-supervised across science or engineering and 
life-science departments. Both experimental and theoretical projects are 
available, on topics from single-biomolecules to tissue properties. 
Industrially-linked projects are also available. A four-year framework contains 
preparative graduate-level courses equivalent to a full taught MSc, equipping 
students with a physical science background for research at the life sciences 
interface. Studentship stipends start at £12 000. Further details of available 
projects and course structure are available at


Applicants should have obtained, or be expected to obtain, a first-class degree 
or equivalent in a physical science or engineering discipline. 

Enquiries should be addressed in the first instance to Mrs F Bonner email 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds, Leeds, 
LS2 9JT or to Mrs Kealey Lambert email [EMAIL PROTECTED] Department of Physics 
and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Hicks Building, Hounsfield Rd, 
Sheffield S3 7RH, UK

Closing date: 31 March 2005




(Opat Ti Tujuh)



The Committee for Raising Public Awareness of Mathematics of the European 
Mathematical Society invites professional mathematicians, or others, to submit 
manuscripts for suitable articles on mathematics for one of two competitions.

Articles for the educated layman 

An article must be published, or be about to be published, in an international 
magazine, or a specialized national magazine, bringing articles on mathematics 
for an educated public. Articles shall be submitted both in the original 
language (the published version) and preferably also in an English translation. 
Articles (translations) may, however, also be submitted in French, German, 
Italian or Spanish. Deadline for submission to this competition: August 1, 2005.

Articles for the general public

An article must be published, or be about to be published, in a daily 
newspaper, or some other widely read general magazine, thereby providing some 
evidence that the article does catch the interest of a general audience. 
Articles for the competition shall be submitted both in the original language 
(the published version) and preferably also in an English translation. Articles 
(translations) may, however, also be submitted in French, German, Italian or 
Spanish. Deadline for submission to this competition: January 1, 2006.

For further information see the web server of the European Mathematical Society:



(Lima Ti Tujuh)


Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik, 

Albert-Einstein-Institut, Potsdam

Research programs concern the mathematical foundations of general relativity 
and related physical theories, they are based in analysis, geometry and 
numerical analysis. In particular, nonlinear partial differential equations are 
a common theme of our research: 

The Einstein field equations model both the behaviour of global cosmological 
models and of isolated gravitating systems such as stars, black holes and 
galaxies. Our research addresses the qualitative and quantitative properties of 
solutions with respect to 
their local and global behaviour, singularity formation and numerical 
simulation and investigates the close correspondence between geometrical 
structures and physical concepts. The analytical and numerical studies of 
gravitational waves are related on a 
project on gravitational wave astronomy in collaboration with German 
universities and the German-English gravitational wave experiment GEO 600. 

Other field equations arise from string theory and the consideration of matter 
in modern mathematical models in elasticity, fluids, electromagnetism and gauge 

Several mathematical projects are concerned with the geometrical structure of 
space and time. They involve geometrical variational principles characterizing 
specific models in geometry and physics as well as geometric evolution 
equations like the mean curvature flow of surfaces and the Ricci-flow of 
Riemannian metrics. 

There are close interactions with the research sections "Astrophysical 
Relativity" and "Quantum Gravity and Unified Theories" in the Albert Einstein 
Institute, as well as with the universities in Berlin and Potsdam. 

Postdoctoral appointments typically are for two years, starting September 2005 
or earlier. 

A limited number of PhD-scholarships is available, compare also the website of 
our "International-Max-Planck-Research-School", 


To apply please submit a curriculum vitae, list of publications and statement 
of research interests and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be 
sent to :

Frau Anne Lampe

Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik

Am Mühlenberg 1

D-14476 Golm

Germany email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Women are especially encouraged to apply. For further information please 
contact H. Friedrich, G. Huisken, A. Rendall or B. Schmidt at the address 




(Genep Ti Tujuh)


Immediately available: a 4-y PhD position at the Department of Behavioural 
Biology. Application before  December, 23 2004.


A major function of the biological clock is to enable a subject to anticipate 
the changes of the environment that occur at 24h intervals. A stable temporal 
relationship between endogenous rhythms and the external world is believed to 
be essential for human health. The biological clock is entrained to external 
time through its responsiveness to light. Most of the characteristics of the 
behaviour of the biological clock are derived from experiments in which 
block-shaped light stimulation was applied. Virtually nothing is known about 
(1) the spectral and intensity changes to which the clock is exposed in real 
life and (2) the dynamics of the resulting adaptation to light and darkness of 
the input pathway to the clock. These two topics are the focus of this project.

Contact Prof.dr.D.G.M Beersma ; [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Information on the group:




(Tujuh Ti Tujuh)


Postdoctoral Position in Biogeochemical Ocean Modelling


Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research 

A 2-year postdoctoral position in biogeochemical ocean modelling is available 
at The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The place of service will 
be at the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (BCCR), a unit of Unifob AS. The 
Bjerknes Centre has the status of national Center of Excellence.

The candidate will contribute to the implementation of a biogeochemistry module 
into an isopycnal ocean general circulation model and carry out sensitivity 
experiments on the ocean carbon cycle. A Ph.D. in oceanography, physics, 
mathematics or any other relevant discipline is required. Experience with 
numerical ocean or atmosphere modelling is necessary. For informal enquiries 
contact  Prof. Christoph Heinze, tel. +47 55 58 98 44, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Further details are available on: 


Applications must be submitted in 3 copies, including CV, list of publications, 
certified copies of certificates and diplomas, as well as names/addresses of 2 
scientific references. Applications should be forwarded to the Bjerknes Centre 
for Climate Research, University of Bergen, Allégt. 55, N-5007 Bergen, Norway, 
by December 31, 2004.



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