I can't identify the following problem, does anyone have a direction so I can 
try to figure out exactly what this error may be???

The error is "There was an error while saving the standalone application  could 
not compile application class"

I am using sockets in the code, but even when I comment them out, I get the 

I think that using sockets will not work on either Android or IOS, but when I 
compile the IOS version, I do not get an error and the app runs very well, 
other than it doesn't have any working socket.  Android will not compile.

I am using the Lantronics WiBox to interface the tcpip to dual serial port.  I 
currently have both Macintosh and PC versions working quite well, getting ready 
to ship.  I'm waiting on the completion of LiveCode sockets for Android and IOS 

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