Sorry, that should have been:
put false into resultsExist
repeat for each item i in
if fld i of card "index" is not empty then put true into resultsExist
end repeat
if resultsExist AND the short name of this cd is "index" then
Charles, you might find it a bit more manageable to check the fields
in a repeat loop:
put false into resultsExist
repeat for each item i in
if fld i of card "index" is not empty then put true into resultsExist
end repeat
On Mar 28, 2007, at 5:04 PM, Charles Szasz wrote:
I forgot to include my latest script:
case "Export..."
if field "vmiFld" of card index > "" or field "nvmiFld" of card
index > "" \
or field "cmiFld" of card index > "" or field "vdriFld" of
card index > "" \
or fie
I forgot to include my latest script:
case "Export..."
if field "vmiFld" of card index > "" or field "nvmiFld" of card
index > "" \
or field "cmiFld" of card index > "" or field "vdriFld" of
card index > "" \
or field "aciFld" of card index > "" or field "sriFld" of
I want to make a menu item only available when the user is on a
specific card ("index") of stack x. I have tried various scripts to
identify which card the user is on to so that the menu would only be
accessible from that card. I thought the only way to do this is to
the identify the
> if card of group "menubar 1 of stack "x" = the name of card "index"
I am not sure what this is testing.
What are you trying to do here, because ...
---> card of group "menubar 1 of stack "x" <--
does not make any sense
--wrong number of quote characters
--bad card reference
--is there a stack
I want to enable a menu item "Export" except when the user is on a
specific card.
I have tried this and other scripts:
if card of group "menubar 1 of stack "x" = the name of card "index"
send mouseUp to button "export" of card "index"
end if
But I keep getting bad expression