Mark Schonewille wrote:

"When documentation changes with a new release of Revolution, I'd consider the old documentation to have become obsolete. "

and this is, generally true, especially where features have changed or new ones introduced that displace old ones.


1. Why is the documentation both patchy (in the sense that it is quite up-to-date in some areas, while hopelessly
     "out-of-it" in others)?

2. The imagery and so forth in the Resource Center of revMedia 4 uses the OLD script editor?

Having been "at" Runtime Revolution for some 8 years now (God help me), I don't really care as I have "made a separate peace" so to speak, found a modus operandi which conforms to
my personal motto:

"I'll muddle through"

which is charming in its own way, and OK for eccentric characters who mess about making
their, thin. living, in funny, marginal places like Bulgaria.

BUT, probably completely useless for folk who are fighting to make their living in the fast-paced, cut-throat West (and, Hey, let's face it, I left that region because, frankly, I either couldn't cope with it, or couldn't be bothered to put up with it; I'll leave you to work out which
of those, if not both is the truth).

The PDF documentation is much more up-to-date, and less patchy, but is not so IMMEDIATE
as the in-built documentation.


I don't care (as the proud owner of the latest incarnation of RunRev) whether feature X was introduced in version 2.7, and I don't care if its way of working was changed in version 2.8.

What I do care about is that the documented examples work straight away.

To be bitchy (no, Richmond, surely not?), I uncovered, completely innocently, a documentation error the other day of the simplest possible sort; but enough to cheese-off people sufficiently to
wonder what they are getting into:

"Thought I would try out some of the
tutorials before the kids got there first :)

so tried the Internet Images one:

on mouseUp
 set the filename of image 1 to
end mouseUp

a no-brainer (???)

and got this:

button "Button": compilation error at line 2 (Expression: bad factor) near "://", char 35

and the line of code was copied exactly from the tutorial . . . Hmm. "

because the line of code should be:

 set the filename of image 1 to "";


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