On Feb 11, 2004, at 8:49 AM, Dennis F. Kahlbaum wrote:

I have two 24-cell arrays that need to be displayed to and edited by the
user. I've tried a field with a vertical grid, but that doesn't always
work properly (if you hit the tab key, the cursor moves to the right
into a new column (bad), if you hit the return key, the cursor goes down
to a new row (good). But many users hit tab to go between entries).
Setting up 48 fields to display and enter/edit array data is cumbersome
and error prone. Therefore, what is the best way in Rev to display and
edit arrays interactively?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Dennis F. Kahlbaum
University of Michigan

Why don't you try trapping for the Tab key and force it into being a return key character instead. That should be the easy fix since return is really what you want. You can define characters to be whatever you want them to be.

Tabbing to the next field is common, are you sure your people
just don't need a little more user training?

Good luck,

Rick Harrison

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