Hi All...

Still experimenting with the Linux version of Rev. I have been using the following to record audio in my stack:

put the effective filename of this stack into theTargetPath
set the itemDel to "/"
delete last item of theTargetPath
delete first item of theTargetPath
put "/" & theTargetPath & "/recordings" into theRecordingTarget

convert the date && the long time to seconds
put it into tFileNameRec
put tFileNameRec into cd fld "audioFileName"

put "arecord -d 10 -f u8 -t wav" into tShellCmd
put shell(tShellCmd&&theRecordingTarget&tFileName)

put theRecordingTarget&tFileNameRec into cd fld "recordingName"

This creates an audio recording that is 10 seconds long in the "recordings" directory. The audio file plays in its entirety when played back in the Totem Movie Player. However, when played back through Revolution the file gets clipped and only approximately the last 5 seconds of the 10 second audio file plays. I'm just using the following to play it back:

put cd fld "recordingName" of cd 1 into tAudioFile
play url tAudioFile

Any tips on what I might try to make the entire audio file play back?

Thank you!

John Patten

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