Pierre Sahores wrote:

It's a desolation... I can't understand what happen RunRev Team. Are you sure you wanted to drive us, the historical Xtalk's developpers and fellows, in a so critical way ?

They don't want to do that. The problem here is that no one has the whole story. RR has been discrete. Xavier has presented his side to a few individiuals in private mail, but it is not the whole story. This topic should never have come up on the lists, and now that it has, people think they know what is happening but they do not.

Non-Americans (and maybe some Americans as well) may not know about the hot coffee lawsuit against MacDonald's a few years ago. A woman was badly burned when she spilled a cup of coffee and she sued MacDonald's. She won the lawsuit. It became the brunt of many jokes; everyone felt it was a trivial lawsuit that showed how litigation-happy Americans are, and how they will sue for damages at the smallest provocation. Everyone agreed that if you spill hot coffee on yourself, it is not the fault of the company who sold you the coffee. The woman was a laughing stock.

However, when the details of the trial were released, opinion changed. Those who had read the transcripts no longer thought the woman's lawsuit was frivolous. They now understood that MacDonald's had ignored warnings for years and now had to account for themselves.

Do not judge Runtime by the second-hand information that has been disclosed to these lists. Without all the details, there is no judgement that can be made. It is natural to want to defend those we perceive as the victims, but there are always two sides to any story.

Let's end this thread. It serves no useful purpose.

(Details of the McDonald's lawsuit: <http://lawandhelp.com/q298-2.htm>)

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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