Whenever you need them menus that are too short...

Im tired of waiting for this or that bugzilla but this cool 
nitrous injection should already give ya a leg up... 

I got this stack coming with many of these little enhancements.
But i wanted to start a thread on it because it seemed that i 
might not be the only one... 

So, who wants to play and post more?

I'll compile them and make sure they stick to the right versions
of the IDE given feedback naturally... They will also be selective
so you only modify the danger level you want to play with.

-- see restrictions below
Create stack "nitrous injection"
create button "Improve RPP"
set the script of it to """
on mouseUp
  put "revpropertypalette" into s
  put 1 into i
  repeat while there is a stack (s && i)
    set the menulines of btn "mainstack" of card "revstack" of stack (s &&
i) to 20
    set the menulines of btn "inks" of card "revinks" of stack (s && i) to
    save stack (s && i)
    add 1 to i
  end repeat
end mouseUp"""

-- i just learned what triple quotes did in phyton - totally cool!

Am i poking at RunRev? No! Absolutely not. 

For one, i know they dont have time to see the thousands of bugs to be
verified and 
so on... 

They can also find bugs or fix them in just one click for the next rev build
this way!

These are just GUI bug fixes - nothing major...

Yes, I test everything I release to the extent of my satisfaction experience
using the
software. Fixes happen as well as daily improvements. I hope to bring this
also to 
RunRev and you the users! This way we can all get to script or design stacks

So, send me your improvements and together we'll help RunRev with their
updates in 
a really practical fashion... No GM or scripteditor or debugger stuff

Oh yes, use this script at your own risk - I certainly do so!


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