Hi all.

I discovered an odd thing with script local variables. If I call a function within a card script that uses script local variables, but I call it from the message box, the script local variables are not visible. But if I call the function from an object ON the card, then they ARE visible. I find that odd, because I would have expected "local" to refer to where the FUNCTION was, i.e. the CARD SCRIPT, not where the function was called from, i.e. the MESSAGE BOX.

Does anyone else find this odd? This also have given me fits when debugging because if while stepping through a script, I click on or interact with another object, say the property inspector or message box, and then step through the code again, when I hit a function call in the card script the scope somehow has become the object I clicked on, NOT the card anymore! One would have to be very careful not to interact with any objects while stepping through the code! I get around this by making sure I click back on the stack I am debugging before stepping through the code anymore.

Just a heads up.

Bob Sneidar
IT Manager
Logos Management
Calvary Chapel CM

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