
I've got this script that reads from a device with the shell command dd:

on mouseup
put "/Users/jswitte/NewtText.txt" into fName
ask "Count?" with "4"
put it into countNum
--get shell("dd if=/dev/rdisk1 of=/Users/jswitte/NewtText.txt count=1")
get shell("dd if=/dev/rdisk1 of=" & fName && "count=" & countNum)
if the result is not empty then
answer the result
open file fname
read from file fname until EOF
put it into fld "rtext"
answer the length of it
close file fname
end if
end mouseup

The funny thing is, when I enter 87 for count, the text put in the field iis *shorter* than when I put in 86! The lengths reported make sense though (87 is 44544, 86 is 44032).

Also (though this is more a unix-y question that Rev), is there any way for dd to report progress and have this come back to Rev for a progress gaguge?


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