> 2.  When I worked in my first "mixed" environment, many of the people
> who used PCs looked down on Mac users saying "a Mac is not a real
> computer."  I believe there are still those who would try to make a
> case that Macs are not suitable platforms for business despite the
> number of successful business & governmental Mac installations.

That perception certainly exists. I get funny looks sometimes when I tell
people I also like to make Mac-compatible versions of my software - it's as
if they're thinking "why?" Macs are definitely suitable for business.
Several of my clients, including national companies and some law firms, use
Macs for the bulk of their operations. I myself use PCs for most of my work
due to my client demographics, but will be the first to acknowledge that
Apple's latest OS makes others seem like quaint relics by comparison. If I
didn't know better, I'd say that Apple secretly bought OS X from time
travelers. What other OS/hardware can accommodate software for Macs, PCs,
and Unix without breaking a sweat, and look like some sci-fi artist's
conception of a computer from the next decade while doing so? You can tell
what Windows XP users think about the OSX look by going to www.themexp.com
and counting up the download stats for all the Aqua-style visual themes -
it's in the serious six digits.
Waiting for a G4,
Tommy Simmons
Employment Law Advisory Network

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