Hello everyone,

Inspired by Peter Amstrong's mail and the reactions following it, I wanted
to contribute to the possibility of using an external script editor via Alex
Rices's MLXEditor stack ...

I tried BBedit but was not comfortable with it...
As I had  a copy of SubEthaEdit on my computer and as I used to use it for
some perl scripts,  I noticed how easy it was to work with ; ok, it's rather
a simple editor but with some extras...

The SyntaxColoring of Transcript.mode I created for SubEthaEdit is almost
the same as in Rev's script editor...

With the possibility (in SubEthaEdit) to popup functions written in your
script, I tried to focus on handlers, functions and global/local variables;
so you got a list with all your handlers, functions, global/local
variables... Just like in the Rev's script editor...

If you save a plain text with these extensions : .rxt or .revtext,
SubEthaEdit will recognize automatically the syntaxe mode and colorize the
script instantly ; so, in the MLXEditor, just change the Script file
extension from txt to rxt and your scripts are colored automatically...

Here's the file :
(double-clicking the file will tell you, where to place it on your

Any comments are welcome !

SubEthaEdit : (http://www.codingmonkeys.de/subethaedit/) is just a fine,
little but powerful plain text editor (OS X native) with possibilities of
collaborative writing (via RendezVous...); just what I need, small and fast
and free (for personal or educational use :-) )

So I hope someone finds this useful and please,
do enjoy ...

Christian Langers


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