On Nov 12, 2003, at 8:20 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, there seems to be no support for the plug-in message in that
Either it's not there, or still be be scripted!

Here is what I'm doing for my MLXEditor plugin. Not sure why I used editScript instead of revEditScript. This was all I could get to work I guess.

-- in the stack script
on preOpenStack
  -- ...
  -- wait for IDE to finish inserting it's scripts
  -- we need to intercept the editScript command before any other script
  send "doInit" to me in 1 sec
end preOpenStack

on doInit
insert the script of card "frontScript" of stack "revMLXEditor" into front
-- ...
end doInit

-- in the card "frontScript" script:
on editScript pID
  if the debugContext <> empty then
    pass editScript -- use builtin script editor/debugger
  end if
  if the shiftKey = "down" then
    pass editScript -- use builtin script editor
  end if
  -- default to external script editor
  send "doEditScript pID" to stack "revMLXEditor"
end editScript

Alex Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | Mindlube Software | <http://mindlube.com>

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco

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