Re: locking, permissions, data

2008-07-22 Thread Henk van der Velden
We have seen this issue two times when an existing installation of one of our apps was copied to a new server. I didn't understand how it could happen, but probably Peter is right and using the on-off switch instead of properly shutting down the application is the cause. Maybe we could chec

Re: locking, permissions, data

2008-07-22 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Yes, this could be it. They do every so often close it down using the on-off switch, which invokes the shutdown procedure, but too fast for rev to close and save properly. Could be. Thanks - at least it frees one from worrying that someone is trying to use a text editor on it. Now what to do a

Re: locking, permissions, data

2008-07-22 Thread Martin Baxter
Peter, I believe the .rev~ file is made by the revolution engine automatically when you do a stack save. It is a backup of the exisiting stack file prior to the save command. If the save is successful it is deleted, so you only see it if something went wrong. Assuming this is correct, this would

locking, permissions, data

2008-07-22 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Here is a very weird situation. The program consists of a launcher, call it launcher, and the program proper, call it program.rev, and they are both in the same folder. I get a call that launcher is not starting up the program. On inspection of the folder, one sees the following: launcher [e