Not sure, But I think the property inspector will not 'see' the bundle
that is in the OSX package. When building a standalone I have been
having trouble get my app to work until I copied the external outside
of the package and use the "set the externals of stack ." to get
it to work.
Le 29 juil. 08 à 06:07, Andre Garzia a écrit :
Using the property inspector to do so, added path references that
would not be mantained once you distributed your app. Doing it on the
message box is easier and safer I think.
Not the case in my context.
Debugging Externals, I was wandering why
I never use the property inspector to set externals, I always use the
message box and go like:
set the externals of stack "I like apple pies" to "something.bundle"
Using the property inspector to do so, added path references that
would not be mantained once you distributed your app. Doi
As to the bug itself, I have no trouble selecting bundles. Maybe
something else is going on?
Best regards,
Mark Schonewille
Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Benefit from our inexpensive hosting services. See http
Le 28 juil. 08 à 22:46, Mark Schonewille a écrit :
It appears someone managed to post some nasty spam advertisements
in that bug report. I'll report that to support.
Yes, indeed...
Was curious it appears there too ???
But that the second point !
Best regards,
It appears someone managed to post some nasty spam advertisements in
that bug report. I'll report that to support.
Best regards,
Mark Schonewille
Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Benefit from our inexpensive hostin
Can someone confirm that on Macosx we can't
set the external of a stack via the Property inspector.
I've found on the Quality Center the report 147 which states this,
but it's closed since quite a while
use-revolution m