
I am a fairly new to ant, and unfortunately, I have not been able to find my answer by googling and searching the list archives, tho I have to figure its been asked before. I need help in calling an external program. This program has been compiled with make. There's some internal versioning information that needs to be inserted into a file in the end result jar file. I do this by calling a script. I figured out how to use <exec> to call my script:

<exec dir="${src}" executable="../../tools/genvers.pl" output="version.tmp">
   <arg line="${ant.javac} ${ant.jar}"/>

What I cant figure out is how to get ant to actually pass the full path to javac and the full path to jar which it has used and will use. The above doesn't work, nor does any parameter I give in the line work(It is like it doesn't substitute the variables.) I can workaround this, but I would prefer the clean solution. Ive checked the FAQ, manual, wiki, etc. Much of that problem is unfortunately placing jar or javac in a query is pointless, and I cannot formulate my search such that it doesn't have this.

Anyone know how to get ant to spill what javac and what jar program it uses?

Thanks much,

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