RE: Conditional dependencies

2007-03-19 Thread bill/wilandra
You could make all the targets independent and specify a blank delimited list of targets on the command line. Bill -Original Message- From: Murray, Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 2:34 PM To: Ant Users List Subject: RE: Conditional dependencies I sympathize

RE: Escaping double quotes in properties?

2007-03-11 Thread bill/wilandra
Try using quot; -- property name=foo value=It's spelled quot;potatoequot;/ HTH Bill -Original Message- From: Brown, Carlton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2007 3:49 PM To: Ant Users List Subject: Escaping double quotes in properties? I'm trying to store double quotes

RE: Information on Ant Dependant libraries and compatibility

2007-03-06 Thread bill/wilandra
Start with (1) for general Ant library dependencies. For other Ant tasks (e.g., antcontrib) you will need to check their documentation. For Ant used in an IDE check the IDE documentation. If you use the Ant helper scripts that come with the Ant distribution (ant.bat or ant) you should not need to

RE: fileset and filename under copy task

2007-02-20 Thread bill/wilandra
From the examples in the 1.6.5 manual I would assume that the following should work. I did not try it. copy todir=${bin} fileset dir=${src} filename name=hibernate.cfg.xml/ filename name=**/*.hbm.xml/ filename name=**/*.html/ /fileset /copy HTH

RE: AW: Ant exec find -exec problem

2006-11-16 Thread bill/wilandra
There is an example from Rob Anderson included in the email thread for this topic. It uses tstamp to do the math and date in fileset to do the selection. Bill -Original Message- From: Elaine Fortin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 8:08 AM To: Ant Users List

RE: propertyregex regexp construct question

2006-11-10 Thread bill/wilandra
The following reg ex should work for you: [^-]*-[^-]*-(.*) You will need to adjust it so it works in propertyregex by adding appropriate escapes. I use the RegexCoach tool to check reg exs. It is available from HTH Bill -Original Message- From: RĂ©mon van

RE: Using Ant commands in a batch file; having problem; ant exits

2006-10-23 Thread bill/wilandra
Assuming you are on a Windows machine, then ant is a .bat file and you must call ant from another .bat file. HTH Bill -Original Message- From: Res Pons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, October 23, 2006 3:46 PM To: Subject: Using Ant commands in a batch file;

RE: Task help

2006-10-18 Thread bill/wilandra
Try this taskdef instead and see if it helps: taskdef resource=net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml/ HTH Bill -Original Message- From: Muthyala, Sunil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 11:23 AM To: 'Ant Users List' Subject: RE: Task help Thanks to Jan and Steve

RE: Loops

2006-07-17 Thread bill/wilandra
Ant is a declarative language, not a procedural language. As such you can not have a loop. You may be able to reform your Ant file into the declarative style and avoid the loop. It takes looking at the problem with a different mind set. The various books on Ant as well as the manual will give some

RE: Escape character of @ in Ant

2006-07-10 Thread bill/wilandra
What I found at is that the at sign can be represented at #64. I could not find another representation of it. HTH Bill -Original Message- From: Res Pons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 8:39 PM To:

RE: Migration problem, Windows to Linux (how to unsubscribe)

2006-07-06 Thread bill/wilandra
Read through all the attachments to this email and you will find the answer stated many times. Bill -Original Message- From: Jian Xu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 5:19 PM To: Subject: Re: Migration problem, Windows to Linux (how to

RE: Dynamic references to properties files

2006-05-22 Thread bill/wilandra
Isn't env a well known property for retrieving op sys environment vars (e.g., ${env.MYDIR})? If so, can it ever not be set? If it is always set then the fail unless=env will never fail regardless of whether the user sets the env property or not on the command line. Bill -Original

RE: Commenting/generate documentation from an ant script

2006-05-19 Thread bill/wilandra
Hi Scot, I use the attached XSL file to generate documentation for my Ant files. This is an extension of the XSL stylesheet found at /ant2html.xsl modified to pick up some new stuff and to always display the documentation

RE: Exception in Style

2006-04-25 Thread bill/wilandra
Ron, Have you looked at the Forrest project to see how they use ant. They generate a web site from XML input files and use ant to control the process. I have not drilled down into their use of ant but it may give you some ideas. Bill -Original Message- From:

RE: Property problem in 1.6.5

2006-04-06 Thread bill/wilandra
Why don't you use the ant way and make jar depend on update? If you use the antcall then a new scope is created and the properties in the new scope are not seen in the calling scope. If you make jar depend on update then you can just run ant jar and the update target will be fired then the jar


2006-03-27 Thread bill/wilandra
Well you have successfully subscribed to the mailing list. Now if you could just tell us what your problem is without including all the automatic mails we might be able to help. As a further aid try running ant with the -verbose option. Then read the output and see if you can see what is

RE: help with exclude patterns

2006-03-20 Thread bill/wilandra
Both the fileset and dirtasks sections of the manual have some discussion about patterns. If you use name=**/* it would mean that you want all files in all directories in the current directory and below it. HTH Bill -Original Message- From: murthy gandikota [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: help with exclude patterns

2006-03-20 Thread bill/wilandra
Subject: RE: help with exclude patterns Using this analogy, in the code I posted the exclude tag seems to be filtering every file from one level up. BTW, I couldn't find the fileset and dirtasks in the ANT manual at Apache. Kindly post the URL. Thank you bill/wilandra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Both


2006-03-05 Thread bill/wilandra
Having never looked at the code, but, applying a little logic to the problem I would ask if there is a Fileset class and if that class has an addFile method? Then you should be able to see how to make a Fileset instance and add File objects to it. Have you tried looking at the API doc to see if

RE: Generating PDF documentation .

2006-03-03 Thread bill/wilandra
Has anyone considered converting the docs to Forrest? Forrest is XML based and uses Ant for its process control. Possibly coupling Forrest with AntDoclet will yield both the web site and the PDF that is desired. Of course, this does not preclude the important step that Daniel mentioned You have to

RE: Delete a dir set

2006-03-02 Thread bill/wilandra
From the Ant Manual fileset section: There are a set of definitions that are excluded by default from all directory-based tasks. They are: **/*~ **/#*# **/.#* **/%*% **/._* **/CVS **/CVS/** **/.cvsignore **/SCCS **/SCCS/** **/vssver.scc

RE: propertyregex

2006-03-02 Thread bill/wilandra
Try reg exp Sticky\s+Tag:\s+([^\s]+)\s.* or some variation of it. Replacement register 1 will contain the REL_1_0 from the sample string. It says select the word Sticky followed by one or more whitespace elements followed by the word Tag followed by a colon followed by one or more whitespace

RE: Question regarding the Jar task

2006-02-22 Thread bill/wilandra
To get a little better understanding of what is happening in your particular case run the Ant file with the -verbose switch. This outputs a lot of information about how things are run. You may find something in the output that will show you exactly what the zip task does. I find the verbose

RE: test for directory existence

2006-02-16 Thread bill/wilandra
IMHO. I don't think it is a matter of whether the second mkdir completed or not here. As Jan said, mkdir has the responsibility to make sure the directory exists when it ends. In the case of the first mkdir, the directory had to be created so mkdir said it did it. In the case of the second mkdir,

RE: problem with compiler settings

2006-02-14 Thread bill/wilandra
I don't think the compiler version has anything to do with the error. It looks like you have presented 2 packages ( and class to the compiler each of which contains the TrustManager class. Since the reference to the TrustManager class in the SSLSocketThread class is

RE: About running a ANT script on UNIX.

2006-02-12 Thread bill/wilandra
In Ant the properties file is a Java PropertiesResourceBundle class. The concept of a properties file is pretty simple. The properties file contains a set of lines that have the general format of key=value. The key, =, and value must all reside on the same line in the file. The keys must all be

RE: Directory and Fileset question

2006-02-08 Thread bill/wilandra
Have you looked at patternset with the if attribute for include? I don't know if you have enough info to set it up ahead of time but it may help. Bill -Original Message- From: Mark Russell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 9:05 AM To: ant develipers list

RE: Custom tasks

2006-02-07 Thread bill/wilandra
There is also an OpenSource project on called AntForm. It will display a menu or form that can be used for input. I found it fairly easy to use although it has some idiosyncrasies about how it places objects in the dialog window. Bill -Original Message- From: Anderson,

RE: problem with exec task

2006-02-05 Thread bill/wilandra
To run a .bat file on Windows you need to start the command shell and have it run the .bat. I would assume that the executable would be something like cmd. IIRC there is a thread on this list that talks about the exact same issue. HTH Bill -Original Message- From: Rhino [mailto:[EMAIL

RE: Negative seek offset while expanding .tar file

2006-01-22 Thread bill/wilandra
I don't see TARdistributionDir being set to a value anywhere in the code you provided. Is it set properly prior to the unTar target being run? HTH Bill -Original Message- From: Bob Scaggs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:33 AM To: Subject:

RE: Reading properties

2006-01-09 Thread bill/wilandra
Try changing the \ to / in the file. HTH Bill -Original Message- From: shreedhar natarajan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 4:46 PM To: Ant Users List Subject: Reading properties hi all, One of my property file has key/values such as path=something\usb When