
I am thinking about adding generic annotations for targets and tasks to specify arbitrary meta data that can be used by different executors or other code (for example, to be able to specify what targets should not be executed in parallel by parallel executor). There is a discussion about ways to specify them. What do you think:

[ ] Processing instructions (for example, <?group name="linux-build"?>) - most tools, IDEs should not be updated, because PIs are usually invisible to XML parsers (unless the parsers ask for PIs). Cons: people do not like PIs, it may be more difficult to generate or to act upon in generic tools.
[ ] Special nodes (for example, <ann:group xmlns:ann="http://ant.apache.org/annotations"; name="linux-build"/>; "ann" namespace can be defined globally) specified before (or inside, looks less pretty, but generic tools will like them inside more) XML nodes.
[ ] Other...

Your ideas are welcome.

- Alexey.
/ Alexey N. Solofnenko
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