Hi Tim,

Thanks for responding.

I have seen TX Control Project in Aries website. But, that will need my code to 
explicit to do this TX management. I don’t have a case where I want one of my 
bundles have their “own” TX. If there is one TX in a thread and if that thread 
happens to go across boundaries, they have to use the same TX. So, I’m looking 
to make it tied with Std TX annotations.

Other option I can think of: A bundle with a PU and service (So, 1 PU for all 
my apps). All my other application bundles invoke the service to get their 
entities register with EMF. But, I’m not sure whether Aries allowes Entities to 
be added/deleted (I don’t want updated case to be supported) after EMF is 
created. Any idea?

// Kaja

From: Timothy Ward [mailto:timothyjw...@hotmail.com] On Behalf Of Timothy Ward
Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 4:13 PM
To: user@aries.apache.org
Subject: Re: Single Transaction across EntityManagers
Importance: High


Have you considered using Aries Transaction Control to manage your 
transactions? This is a much more reliable way to deal with transactions that 
run across module boundaries, and it is much clearer which resources have 
“opted in” to the transaction.

Best Regards,


On 1 Jun 2018, at 06:39, Mohideen, Kaja (Nokia - IN/Chennai) 
<kaja.mohid...@nokia.com<mailto:kaja.mohid...@nokia.com>> wrote:


I’m using Aries JPA (in Apache Karaf) for my application where different 
services (bundles) have their own PersistenceContexts and they use a single 
Datasource (XA) – everything works fine.

All my modules are connecting to a single Datasource, so I have switched to 
Non-XA DS; now the Transactions seems to be per module (EM) and they are not 
atomic across modules.

I understand that XA would have co-ordinated this earlier. But, is it possible 
to make them use a Single DS Connection/Transaction to achieve the same effect 
(like mark PersistenceUnits “extended” or some other technique). I have 
searched the Aries-JPA repo for mention of PersistenceContextType and found 
nothing ☹. So, not sure whether Aries JPA supports this and if so – how?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

// Kaja

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