RE: Unbalanced ring with C* 2.0.3 and vnodes after adding additional nodes

2013-12-20 Thread Andreas Finke
Hi Aaron, I assume you mean seed_provider setting in cassandra.yaml by seed list. The current setting for vm1-vm6 is: seed_provider = vm1,vm2,vm3,vm4 This setting also applied when the vm5 and vm6 were added. I checked the read repair metrics and it is about mean 20/s on vm5 and vm6. I

Data File Mechanism

2013-12-20 Thread Bonnet Jonathan .
Hello, If possible, i need to know if it's possible to chose how a file *.db can grow, it's limit and the general mechanism about the data files. There is only one file *.db by column familly for one node (except index-filter-statistics-summary) ?, or when the CF grow cassandra add it one

RE: Data File Mechanism

2013-12-20 Thread Andreas Finke
Hi Bonnet, regarding there is the setting sstable_size_in_mb // The target size for SSTables that use the leveled compaction strategy. for

Re: MUTATION messages dropped

2013-12-20 Thread Ken Hancock
I ended up changing memtable_flush_queue_size to be large enough to contain the biggest flood I saw. I monitored tpstats over time using a collection script and an analysis script that I wrote to figure out what my largest peaks were. In my case, all my mutation drops correlated with hitting the

[RELEASE] Apache Cassandra 1.2.13 released

2013-12-20 Thread Sylvain Lebresne
The Cassandra team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Cassandra version 1.2.13. Cassandra is a highly scalable second-generation distributed database, bringing together Dynamo's fully distributed design and Bigtable's ColumnFamily-based data model. You can read more here:

Multi-Column Slice Query w/ Partial Component of Composite Key

2013-12-20 Thread Josh Dzielak
Is there a way to include *multiple* column names in a slice query where one only component of the composite column name key needs to match? For example, if this was a single row - username:0 | username:1 | city:0 | city:1 | other:0| other:1

Astyanax - multiple key search with pagination

2013-12-20 Thread Parag Patel
Hi, I'm using Astyanax and trying to do search for multiple keys with pagination. I tried .getKeySlice with a list a of primary keys, but it doesn't allow pagination. Does anyone know how to tackle this issue with Astyanax? Parag