Re: DataStax Enterprise Amazon AMI Launch Error

2015-03-13 Thread Patrick McFadin
What size of instance are you using? It looks like you aren't at to get resources set up in time. On Thursday, March 12, 2015, Vanessa Gligor wrote: > When I try to launch an EC2 Instance using DataStax community it's > working, so I have the premission to create an EC2 instance. I want to have

Re: CQL 3.x Update ...USING TIMESTAMP...

2015-03-13 Thread Brice Dutheil
I agree with Tyler, in the normal run of a live application I would not recommend the use of the timestamp, and use other ways to *version* *inserts*. Otherwise you may fall in the *upsert* pitfalls that Tyler mentions. However I find there’s a legitimate use the USING TIMESTAMP trick, when migrat