I know a lot of people are excited to see the return of Cassandra Summit
and I'm one of them! This has always been a gathering of not only people
that use and love Cassandra but people that push the edge of scale and
data. I hope to see a lot more of that in 2023.

This summit is being run by the Linux Foundation, which has a great track
record of quality technical events. We want to make sure they see this as
something they want to support year over year. To do that, we'll need
everyone from the community to step up in some way and help make this a
successful event. There are three important things we'll need to ensure we
do this in 2024 and beyond.

 - Sponsorship. A major part of the funding that isn't optional. If your
company is involved in the Cassandra ecosystem, consider a sponsorship
level that makes sense for you. Prospectus coming soon.
 - Registration. If you can make it to San Jose, get registered as soon as
you can. If you can't make the trip, register for the virtual event, and
let's show the Linux Foundation what an amazing community we are! Watch for
the opening of registration soon.
 - Content. Some of my favorite moments from previous summits were
attending the talks given by the community. When the CFP opens in a couple
of weeks, get in there and pitch your story. I'll be asking a lot so just
prepare yourself. I'm especially looking forward to hearing from newer
Cassandra community members since the last summit.

This is our community and our event. Let's make this a celebration of
amazing engineering and the people in our community.


On Thu, Sep 29, 2022 at 4:23 PM Melissa Logan <meli...@constantia.io> wrote:

> The Cassandra Summit is back! Event website: http://cassandrasummit.org/
> It's time for us to gather again. The community has great momentum, having
> moved to an annual release cycle in the past year with many new features
> being added/requested.
> Cassandra Summit will be held in San Jose, Calif., March 13-14, 2023, with
> pre-event training and activities planned for March 12. The CFP will open
> soon and organizations are invited to show support through sponsorship.
> Topics:
> * Developing applications with Cassandra
> * Cloud-native deployments and strategies
> * Ecosystem tools that leverage Cassandra
> * What’s coming for future Cassandra versions
> * Use cases and sharing about best practices
> Look forward to seeing many of you there.

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