Re: Reads not returning data after adding node

2023-04-03 Thread David Tinker
Ok. Have to psych myself up to the add node task a bit. Didn't go well the first time round! Tasks - Make sure the new node is not in seeds list! - Check cluster name, listen address, rpc address - Give it its own rack in - Delete if it exi

Re: Reads not returning data after adding node

2023-04-03 Thread Jeff Jirsa
Because executing “removenode” streamed extra data from live nodes to the “gaining” replicaOversimplified (if you had one token per node) If you  start with A B CThen add DD should bootstrap a range from each of A B and C, but at the end, some of the data that was A B C becomes B C DWhen you remove

Re: Reads not returning data after adding node

2023-04-03 Thread David Tinker
Looks like the remove has sorted things out. Thanks. One thing I am wondering about is why the nodes are carrying a lot more data? The loads were about 2.7T before, now 3.4T. # nodetool status Datacenter: dc1 === Status=Up/Down |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving -- Address

Re: Understanding rack in

2023-04-03 Thread Tibor Répási
Usually, it’s a good practice to resemble the real datacenter in the Cassandra topology, thus nodes mounted to distinct racks are know with different rack names to Cassandra. This is due to the usual datacenter infrastructure, having a single point of failure in each rack - e.g. a network switch

Re: Reads not returning data after adding node

2023-04-03 Thread Bowen Song via user
That's correct. nodetool removenode is strongly preferred when your node is already down. If the node is still functional, use nodetool decommission on the node instead. On 03/04/2023 16:32, Jeff Jirsa wrote: FWIW, `nodetool decommission` is strongly preferred. `nodetool removenode` is designe

Re: Understanding rack in

2023-04-03 Thread Bowen Song via user
I just want to mention that the "rack" in Cassandra don't need to match the physical rack. As long as each "rack" in Cassandra fails independent of each other, it is fine. That means if you have 6 physical servers each in an unique physical rack and Cassandra RF=3, you can have any of the foll

Re: Reads not returning data after adding node

2023-04-03 Thread Jeff Jirsa
FWIW, `nodetool decommission` is strongly preferred. `nodetool removenode` is designed to be run when a host is offline. Only decommission is guaranteed to maintain consistency / correctness, and removemode probably streams a lot more data around than decommission. On Mon, Apr 3, 2023 at 6:47 AM

Re: Reads not returning data after adding node

2023-04-03 Thread Aaron Ploetz
> > I just asked that question on this list and the answer was that adding the > new nodes as rack4, rack5 and rack6 is fine. They are all on > separate physical racks. Is that ok? > Yes, Jeff is right, all 6 nodes each on their own rack will work just fine. Should I do a full repair first or is

Re: Reads not returning data after adding node

2023-04-03 Thread David Tinker
Thanks. Yes my big screwup here was to make the new node a seed node so it didn't get any data. I am going to add 3 more nodes, one at a time when the cluster has finished with the remove and everything seems stable. Should I do a full repair first or is the remove node operation basically doing th

Re: Reads not returning data after adding node

2023-04-03 Thread Aaron Ploetz
The time it takes to stream data off of a node varies by network, cloud region, and other factors. So it's not unheard of for it to take a bit to finish. Just thought I'd mention that auto_bootstrap is true by default. So if you're not setting it, the node should bootstrap as long as it's not a

Re: Understanding rack in

2023-04-03 Thread Jeff Jirsa
As long as the number of racks is already at/above the number of nodes / replication factor, it's gonna be fine. Where it tends to surprise people is if you have RF=3 and either 1 or 2 racks, and then you add a third, that third rack gets one copy of "all" of the data, so you often run out of disk

Understanding rack in

2023-04-03 Thread David Tinker
I have a 3 node cluster using the GossipingPropertyFileSnitch and replication factor of 3. All nodes are leased hardware and more or less the same. The files look like this: dc=dc1 rack=rack1 (rack2 and rack3 for the other nodes) Now I need to expand the cluster. I was

Re: Reads not returning data after adding node

2023-04-03 Thread David Tinker
Thanks. Hmm, the remove has been busy for hours but seems to be progressing. I have been running this on the nodes to monitor progress: # nodetool netstats | grep Already Receiving 92 files, 843934103369 bytes total. Already received 82 files (89.13%), 590204687299 bytes total (69.93%)

Re: Reads not returning data after adding node

2023-04-03 Thread Bowen Song via user
Use nodetool removenode is strongly preferred in most circumstances, and only resort to assassinate if you do not care about data consistency or you know there won't be any consistency issue (e.g. no new writes and did not run nodetool cleanup). Since the size of data on the new node is small,