Hi Cassandra-users,
my name is Michael Mirwaldt and I work for financial.com.

I have encountered this problem with Cassandra 3.7 running 4 nodes:

Given the data model

CREATE KEYSPACE mykeyspace WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 
'replication_factor': '2'}  AND durable_writes = true;

CREATE TABLE mykeyspace.mytable (partitionkey text, mylist list<text>, PRIMARY 
KEY (partitionkey));

If I add the value

INSERT INTO mykeyspace.mytable(partitionkey,mylist) VALUES('A',['1']);

and query

select * from mykeyspace.mytable;

I get

partitionkey | mylist
            A |  ['1']

and If I query

select * from mykeyspace.mytable where partitionkey='A' and mylist contains '1' 
allow filtering;

I get

partitionkey | mylist
            A |  ['1']

But if I add

INSERT INTO mykeyspace.mytable(partitionkey) VALUES('B');

so that

select * from mykeyspace.mytable;

gives me

partitionkey | mylist
            B |   null
            A |  ['1']


select * from mykeyspace.mytable where partitionkey='B' and mylist contains '2' 
allow filtering;

leads to the error message

ReadFailure: code=1300 [Replica(s) failed to execute read] message="Operation 
failed - received 0 responses and 2 failures" info={'failures': 2, 
'received_responses': 0, 'required_responses': 1, 'consistency': 'ONE'}

with the log message

[...] AwareExecutorService$FutureTask.run|Uncaught exception on thread 
Thread[SharedPool-Worker-2,5,main]: java.lang.RuntimeException: 

on one other node.

Is that really logical and intended?
Would you not expect an empty result for last query?

I am confused.
Can you help me?



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