I’m using cassandra on a remote node I can access just with console.
Since the node has a private ip, the cluster manager set a proxy to access 
private_ip:9042 in order to allow me to execute query against the db, so I have 
a public ip:port.

Unfortunately I’m not able to execute query and I’m investigate about why.

com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException: All host(s) tried 
for query failed (tried: /PUBLIC_IP:55092 
(com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.TransportException: [/PUBLIC_IP] Cannot 

I’m sure the procedure to execute the query is fine because I tried with an 
identical cassandra db developed on the localhost. I suppose the problem is in 
the listener set on the remote node.
Using Kafka I had a similar problem but I solved it setting a variable 
advertised_listener in the configurations file, specifying the public_ip:port I 
using to access to the node. Anyway I didn’t find anything of similar in 
cassandra.yaml file.

Do you know how can I solve the issue?

Thank you,

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