Hi Chistophe,

I noticed your email just now. Do you still need some feedback for your
thesis on NoSQL?


2013/4/8 Christophe Caron <christophe.caro...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I'm currently preparing my master's thesis in IT sciences at Itescia
> school and UPMC university in France. This thesis focuses on NoSQL
> Databases.
> It is in this context that I would like ask you some questions in regards
> of your knowledges and experience, about the SaaS NoSQL market.
> Your answers will be inserted in my thesis to discuss the challenges of
> these new databases.
> I sincerely thank you for your time and wish you a good day.
> Best Regards,
> Christophe Caron
> Interview \begin
> ----------------------
> 1/ Can you introduce yourself, describe your activity and your current
> work subjects ?
> 2/ Who are the main leaders and main challengers on the current SaaS NoSQL
> market ? What are their main strengths and weaknesses ?
> 3/ What do you think about data analytics systems that allows NoSQL,
> versus traditional databases ?
> 4/ Amazon and others big players sell universal NoSQL solutions. Is there
> a place for small players ? How small players can compete these leaders ?
> Can you give us some examples ?
> 5/ What is your thought on the NoSQL threat to move Web 2.0 applications
> away from traditional databases ? Is that NoSQL can replace all SQL
> websites ?
> 6/ What decisions a small player need to take ? I mean, to differentiate
> itself, should the small player need to focus on NoSQL optimisation
> (Business Intelligence) or develop NoSQL applications (NoSQL with CMS,
> java, mobiles applications..) ? Why ?
> 7/ Usually, small players will be absorbed by big ones. Some people
> believe that a new big actor will take the leadership on NoSQL solutions,
> the same way that you see the arrival of new “Big elephants” (aka Oracle).
> Do you agree with that ? Why ?
> 8/ Many players come and go with this exponential activity around NoSQL.
> How do you see the evolution of the NoSQL market and its position next to
> the SQL market ?
> 9/ What conclusions do you do on the success of the SaaS model in a global
> way ? In particular applied to the NoSQL area ?
> 10/ Finally, do you think that the NoSQL movement will be restricted to
> few companies which need high scalability performance for some applications
> or the NoSQL will be much more than that ?
> -------------------
> Interview \end

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