Hi everyone!

Which function has to be used with each JMX Metric Type?



For example: to compute the read latency I did a ratio between 
ReadTotalLatency_Count JMX Counter and ReadLatency_Count JMX Timer, and the 
number corresponds to the one exposed via nodetool tablestats 

How should I consider the attributes: 95thPercentile, Mean etc... from 
ReadLatency bean 
I found also a grafana open-source dashboard 
https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/5408 but I am not convinced about the 
displayed numbers if I compare with the numbers shown by the cassandra-stress 

If I want the QPS does it make sense to use rate(WriteLatencyCount[5m]) in 
grafana ?

The latency computed by the cassandra-stress-tool should almost match the 
latency shown by the JMX metrics or not?

Which one do you monitor ClientRequest metrics or Table metrics or ColumnFamily?

I am going to create my Grafana dashboard and explain how I configured it.



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