You can find version 0.03 of the Net::Cassandra::Easy Perl module at:

(it may show 0.021 but that's the same as 0.03, I just uploaded with the
incorrect version number accidentally)

The docs explain how to use it with examples for the common cases.
There are only three N::C::Easy methods: connect(), get(), and mutate()
so it's pretty easy to learn and use, from a one-liner or from a large

Please let me know if you have bugs or suggestions.

N::C::Easy will track cassandra.thrift closely but also will be able to
switch to Avro or another API easily since it avoids Thrift-specific
code on the user side as much as possible.

You can also use the Net::Cassandra module by Leon Brocard, of course.
It works fine and is much more Thrift-oriented.


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