If your data fits into memory you probably do not need NoSQL.
You may also notice the company that produced the benchmark is a cloudera
partner so they "forgot" to show how much faster couchdb is then hbase in
this scenario, but were more then happy to show you how much "faster" it is
then mongo a
if dataset fits into memory and data used in test almost fits into
memory then cassandra is slow compared to other leading nosql databases,
it can go up to 10:1 ratio. Check infinispan benchmarks. Common use
pattern is to use memcached on top of cassandra.
cassandra is good if you have way mor
Pure marketing comparing apples to oranges.
Was Cassandra usage optimized?
- What consistency level was used? (fastest reads with ONE)
- Does Cassandra client used was token aware? (make request to appropriate node)
- Was dynamic snitch turned off? (prevent forward request to other replica if