A few recent changes made at hector: 1. We keep several branches in parallel: 0.5.0, 0.5.1, 0.6.0 and master. We've now changed master to be at version 0.6.0. 0.6.1 is compatible with 0.6.0 as the API didn't change, so practically master is now at the latest released cassandra version. 2. We added a batchMutate call to the API (thanks Nathan). Addition of get_range_slices is still pending a volunteer that actually needs it ;) http://github.com/rantav/hector/issues/#issue/22 3. Uploaded a new zip to the download<http://github.com/rantav/hector/downloads>section with all the up to date 0.6.0 work: http://github.com/downloads/rantav/hector/hector-0.6.0-11.zip<http://github.com/rantav/hector/downloads>
Finally, if you use hector or considering please subscribe to the googlegroup and post your questions there http://groups.google.com/group/hector-users