> Is it true the coordinator node treats them as __independent__
> communications/requests to replicas (even if in that case, the replicas are
> the same for every request) ?
A row mutation is a request to store columns in one or more CF's using one row
key. It is treated as indivisible by the c
When the coordinator node receives a batch_mutate for __one__ row key
associated with different mutations for different CF :
Is it true the coordinator node treats them as __independent__
communications/requests to replicas (even if in that case, the replicas are the
same for every request) ?
> a) does it treat them as N independent requests to replicas, or
Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Consultant
New Zealand
On 26/03/2013, at 5:50 AM, DE VITO Dominique
> When the coordinator node receives a batch_mu
When the coordinator node receives a batch_mutate with different N row keys
(for different CF) :
a) does it treat them as N independent requests to replicas, or
b) does the coordinator node split the the initial batch_mutate into M
batch_mutate (M <= N) according to rowkeys ?