
I try to start a Windows service (on Windows 8.1) with Procrun 1.1.0 and Java 
11. I've installed the jdk 11 built by AdoptOpenJDK

When I install the service with the option -StartMode jvm, Procrun seems not to 
find Java. I read in the logs :
[info]  [55436] Starting service...
[error] [55436] Failed creating java
[error] [55436] ServiceStart returned 1
[info]  [22768] Run service finished.

When I install the service with the option --StartMode Java and the option 
--Jvm pointing to the bin folder of my JAVA_HOME, the service starts correctly. 
But stopping it is very long (2 minutes).

This service works well with a JRE 8 and the option -StartMode jvm.
Problems only occur when starting and stopping with Java 11.

How can I handle this ?
Thank you in advance for your answer.

Joel Gaspard


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