Hi, I'm trying to use /_*Commons Configuration*_/ to parse an XML configuration file and I'm having some troubles with the xpath syntax. After a few tries I understood that I need to use the XPathExpressionEngine, and i think that the problems I'm facing are due to the xpath syntax I'm using.

Here is the xml file:
<project id="10020" key="TP1">test project 1</project>
<project id="10021" key="TP2">test project 2</project>
<project id="10022" key="TP3">test project 3</project>

<group id="xyz" name="test group"/>

<user id="zxy" name="test user"/>

<project id="10020" key="DP">
<issue-type id="1" name="Bug">
<kpi id="1" name="t0 - t1" days="0" hours="0" minutes="10">
<transition id="1" name="a">1</transition>
<transition id="2" name="b">2</transition>
<kpi id="2" name="t1 - t2" days="0" hours="1" minutes="0">
<transition id="3" name="c">1</transition>
<transition id="4" name="d">2</transition>

<issue-type id="3" name="Task">

<kpi id="1" name="t0 - t1" days="0" hours="0" minutes="10">
<transition id="5" name="e"></transition>
<transition id="6" name="f"></transition>

<kpi id="2" name="t1 - t2" days="0" hours="1" minutes="0">
<transition id="7" name="g"></transition>
<transition id="8" name="h"></transition>

And here is the code I wrote to try to understand how to get what i want using the XPathExpressionEngine
private XMLConfiguration configurationFile;

configurationFile = new XMLConfiguration(/"kpi_configuration.xml"/);
configurationFile.setExpressionEngine(new XPathExpressionEngine());

DefaultExpressionEngine defaultEngine = new DefaultExpressionEngine();

*// using the default expression engine i get what i want, a list of the
// "id" attributes of the project tag (10020,10021,10022)*
List<String> testList001 = configurationFile.getList(/"permissions/allowed-projects/project[@id]"/); for (Iterator<String> iterator = testList001.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)

configurationFile.setExpressionEngine(new XPathExpressionEngine());
*// using the xpath expression engine, and giving exactly the same path to the getList method // i get a completely different result! the list is made of the text content of the tag
// (test project 1, test project 2, test project 3)*
List<String> testList002 = configurationFile.getList(/"permissions/allowed-projects/project[@id]"/); for (Iterator<String> iterator = testList002.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)

*// here I tried to use the xpath syntax [@attribute=value] to get into a specific branch of the xml tree // the expected result was at least a list of values, instead i get null object* List<String> testList003 = configurationFile.getList(/"kpi-definition/project[@id=10020]/issue-type[@id=1]/transition"/); for (Iterator<String> iterator = testList003.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)

*// here I tried to use the xpath syntax [@attribute=value] to get into a specific branch of the xml tree
// the expected result was a single value instead i got a null object*
String testValue001 = configurationFile.getString(/"kpi-definition/project[@id=10020]/issue-type[@id=1]/transition[@name=a]"/);

Many, many thanks in advance to everyone who can help me!
I really can't work it out (... and I have to :) ... )

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